I married a tech guy. This was gonna make its way somewhere on here...
a great app for scrapbookers that are looking for inspiration, ideas, digital templates, and forums. Especially when you have time for it before kids and are preparing those baby journals!
Contractioncalculator.com (Android) or contractionmaster.com (iPhone):
a great app for pregos that are just about to have that baby. Tried and true story: Yelling to your husband "Time!" everytime you have a contraction and end one, so all he has to do is move his finger on the mouse. Lucky bastard.
FeedBaby or FeedBaby Pro:
a great app for after finally having the watermelon and needing to know how much of what of how long the little monster is having. This is an even better app when you have had less than the supposed 2 hours of sleep in between feeds. Oh! The app also does this for diaper changes, sleep, baths, growths, and pumpings. So, really, you can just have time to sit and smile and coo at the baby:)
Baby Tracker:
a great app for tracking baby's developmental milestones, weight, height, etc. Also, you don't have to wait till you get to the pediatrician's office to make sure. For all you DIY'ers.:)
ABC Toddler Game/ BabySitter2Go/I Hear Ewe/Baby Scratch:
a great app for keeping the obnoxiously loud one quiet while in line, or in a quiet area (if you dare). Obviously, try to limit how often this would be used, but definitely comes in handy for a few minutes.
CloudCam (iPhone) or Cloud Spy Cam (Google Play):
Use your phone like a monitor at home with the babysitter or while baby is sleeping. I did hear it does eat up battery, so plan on charging your phone ahead of time.
The Potty Show App from Preschoology.com:
a great app for potty training and preschoology.com also gives great advice and tips for introducing new siblings in the family.
a great app to find a group of humans similar to you since you have been incubating with someone that does not speak longer than 4 words at a time and tantrums often. There are usually hundreds of groups specific to moms of a specific region or specialty. The best thing is that they do not hold it against you if you are not able to meet up, especially if the lil one decides to poop all over their outfit and yours at the last minute.
a great site ( I don't know if they have an app yet) to find nearby children's classes, camps, activities with ratings. Bonus: there are ways to score free classes through the site!
a great app for keeping that preschooler sitting still perhaps at the doctor's office or during that horrid drive-thru line that is 3 blocks long. It came highly recommended from my son's teacher and it surprises me how advanced his thinking can get.
a great app to find kid-friendly restaurants, parks, and museums. I wish I found this sooner so those people didn't give me that dreaded look that one time.
a great app to set up play dates on a spur of the moment letting social media help you connect with your friends. Or you can just text all 30 of your mom friends:)
Hopefully this helps all of you. I know it has helped me from move to move, baby to baby, and work friends to new friends. Extra suggestions or comments always welcome!