Monday, October 20, 2014

10 Ways Parents Are Superstars

Some PM (Positive Motivation):


1. We can go into stealth mode at any given time during the night and tiptoeing around the noisiest floors, like superspies.

2. Our primary job is multitasking.

3. Without being trained like doctors or hospice workers, we can break bad news to kids with great carefullness.

4. Without law school, we can negotiate anything after being taught about it from our kids.

5. We can go much longer than other human beings without whole meals as long as our kids eat (or so we think).

6. We can pretty much make, do, shift, and cook all with one-hand.

7.  We have supersonic hearing (especially when things get ridiculously quiet and the kids are awake).

8.  We can clean the stinkiest diapers, beds, trays, and clothes all without expecting a reward for it.

9.  Entertaining our kids with OUR moves obviously makes us STARS.

10.  We live, learn and make our family our STARS.

Enjoy Your Week, Everybody!!!!!

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